Mothers and Mindfulnes
Northbank Wellbeing Series. Mindfulness and new and/or future mums. How to accept body changes and bonding with your baby. At the Kings College London, Waterloo Campus, James Clerk Maxwell Building, Mon, 25 March 2019 13:30 – 14:30. Get your ticket and join me!! :). Organized by The Northbank Business Improvement District

Mindfulness at Royal Lancaster Hotel
As part of the Wellness Day in the Royal Lancaster Hotel, Conkalma was providing meditation and Introduction of Mindfulness workshops.

Keep in Mind
As part of the mental health awareness week, St Margaret's House is running a week of events to encourage mental strength and resilience. Keep In Mind is a day of workshops and talks, delivered by experts in the field to give you tools to strengthen your mental health. All events take place in the Mulberry Rooms, which you can access through the arch of no 17 Old Ford Road.